Vive la Vie

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Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse

Jusqu'au 29 avril 2020

Français surtitré en anglais


Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse
26 rue de la Gaîté, 75014 Paris
Capacité 400 sièges


1 hour 

No intermissions



Recommended for all ages 

French with English subtitles

Highlights: Vive la Vie

An exciting performance that will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and leave every inch of your body shaking with an urge to satisfy your curiosity! Ever wondered what our great-great-grandparents had to go through in order to provide us with the life we currently have? A reflective piece created by Thomas Laubacher and directed by André Pignat and Géraldine Lonfat exposes life back in the 20th century and how it differs from today’s existence. With a composition of original songs and dance, the show transforms into a representation of the harsh reminder of what families had to go through to survive a world war and a tough evolution. Credited as a stimulating performance that will grasp the attention of spectators from the beginning.

Story: Vive la Vie

There have been many changes as well as progress throughout history from the creation of electricity, flowing water available whenever necessary, and wireless devices, slowly changing habits within society. Vive la Vie really helps us appreciate what we have today. 

With a group of expressive contemporary dancers, singers with hypnotizing voices full of energy singing to lyrics in different dialects such as Latin, and talented acrobatic jugglers all expressing the day to day life of a family of peasants slowly transforming into a functioning hard-working society.  

Unstoppable, poignant, and multifaceted…an exciting performance with powerful scenes which will ignite a rollercoaster of various emotions from within!

Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse

26 rue de la Gaîté, 75014 Paris

Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse

Les cafés-concerts étaient extrêmement populaires à Paris dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle. On s’y rendait régulièrement pour assister à un spectacle – un numéro de mime, de danse ou de cabaret – tout en mangeant, buvant et, inévitablement, en chahutant : tel était le Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse à son ouverture en 1868.


Cependant, les années 1930 furent une période sombre pour ce théâtre, du fait du déclin de la popularité de la culture des cafés-concerts. Le répertoire théâtral devenait de plus en plus vulgaire, la direction offrant désespérément des spectacles de plus en plus sulfureux pour tenter d'attirer les spectateurs, avant de finalement renoncer. Pourtant, durant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le théâtre repris du service avec des troupes variées de chanteurs montant sur scène, ce qui donna au théâtre une nouvelle vie et provoqua un regain de popularité. En 1945, une compagnie théâtrale d’avant-garde loua la salle, proposant des sketches variés, des comédies musicales, des parodies et des récitals poétiques. Parmi les artistes, une certaine Juliette Gréco fit ses premiers pas sur la scène du Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse, avec un spectacle intitulé Victor ou les enfants au pouvoir.


Menacé de démolition en 1988, plusieurs grands noms du milieu se joignirent pour sauver le théâtre qui depuis propose toujours des spectacles. Inscrit sur la liste des monuments historiques depuis 1984, le Théâtre de la Gaîté Montparnasse est l’incarnation même de la réussite et du principe de ne jamais renoncer.


En quelques mots

Capacité : 400

Accès handicapé : oui, merci de nous contacter pour vous garantir un placement dans les zones accessibles.

Climatisé : oui


Is the show accessible to English speakers?

The show is entirely in French, but it is accessible to English speakers through an on-screen subtitling system. We wish to provide French and Non- French-speaking audiences with the utmost comfort while watching the show.

How do I get to Théâtre de la Gaîté- Montparnasse?

Théàtre De La Gaité Montparnasse, 26 rue de la Gaité, 75014 Paris, is accessible by métro line 4 to destination Edgar Quinet and metro line 13 with a final stop in Gaite. It is also possible to get to the theatre through bus lines 92 towards Pueaux, 94 final stop Genevilliers, and bus line 95. For details, we invite you to consult the map above.

Is Théâtre de la Gaîté- Montparnasse Handicap accessible?

Théâtre de la Gaîté- Montparnasse is equipped with a PMR access in an orchestra. If you are in a wheelchair, we invite you to call the theatre at 01 43 20 60 56 in order for them to prepare for your arrival.

Does the theatre have air-conditioning?

Yes, Théâtre de la Gaîté- Montparnasse is equipped with air- conditioning.

What do I do when I get to the venue?

We invite you to arrive 15 minutes before the beginning of the show and present your voucher at the front desk. The theater's English-speaking staff members will guide you to your seats.

Subtitles or “surtitles?”

Surtitles (also called supertitles) are the equivalent theater of subtitles or as others may know it, captioned performance. That's because in French "on" means "above". At Théàtre De La Gaité Montparnasse, the text is projected above the stage. Read more about surtitles here.

Is tipping customary?

Tips are not mandatory in Parisian theatres. However, ushers will usually expect a small tip of between 2€ and 5€, which you can give them when they've shown you to your seat. Fun fact: the French word for “tip” is “pourboire,” which literally translates to “to have a drink.”

Does the venue have a specific dress code?

For Parisian plays, the dress tends to be casual, so feel free to dress in comfortable attire though we recommend avoiding caps and flip-flops. It is common for Parisians to arrive directly from work, dressed in smart- casual chic attire.