
Spectacle terminé
37 rue du Faubourg du Temple, 75010 Paris
Capacité 480 sièges
1 hour 15 minutes
No intermission
Music and acrobatics
Recommended for ages 8 and up
No dialogue
Highlights: Speakeasy
Story: Speakeasy
As original in its perfectly mimed story as in the skill of all its actors/athletes. Magnificent show!
Excellent show, really funny and with talented artists. Strongly recommended.
Really enjoyable show more for the aesthetic than the story. The actors are acrobats above all, visually (lights, set...) its really succesful and the music is great.
Really beautiful circus show, perfectly synchronised but perhaps lacking a bit of emotion. Still a really lovely evening.
Superb, the artists are exceptional and the music brilliant. Really original, my favourite show of 2018.
A breathtaking show, the choreography, the production, the music, everything was dazzling. The 6 individuals are constantly in motion with incredible precision. How do they do it? I was without words
A wonderful evening and a surprising show: a theatrical dance. A beautiful performance from each of the acrobatic performers and some amazing scenery, handwork behind the bar, scenes of tension with the godfather and the high-wire act...a very well cho
An astonishing must-see show! Accrobatics that distinguish themselves from the traditional circus thanks to an original narrative that completely unites the entire performance. The show alternates comedic, almost burlesque sketches with truly impressiv
Palais des Glaces
Palais des Glaces
Au cœur du quartier République, ce haut lieu des théâtres et des salles de concert était fréquenté par les Parisiens de la haute société au cours des XVIII et XIXe siècle ; Victor Hugo est même venu assister à un spectacle. Avec l’expansion de la ville à la fin du XIXe siècle, la classe ouvrière prit le contrôle du quartier et s’ensuivit une vague de construction de divers cirques et salles de concert, dont le Palais des Glaces.
Ce lieu historique est utilisé pour toutes sortes de spectacles, du cirque au concert et du cinéma aux pièces de théâtre. Entièrement reconstruit en 1924, la salle prit le nom de Palais des Glaces car sa façade était à l’époque uniquement composée de miroirs. Vous remarquez que tout a changé et qu’aujourd’hui un éléphant s’est substitué aux miroirs, emblème de l’un de leurs spectacles qui y était donné dans les années 1980. L’éléphant fit à tel point fureur qu’il fut décidé qu’il resterait ! Une multitude de célébrités se sont produites sur la scène du Palais des Glaces, de Nina Simone au groupe The Clash. À quelques pas seulement du charmant Canal Saint-Martin, vous ne savez jamais sur quoi vous tomberez en venant là, excepté deux choses : une programmation variée et son éléphant qui vous surplombera !
Infos pratiques Capacité : 480 Accès handicapé : Partiellement, merci de nous contacter pour vous garantir un placement dans les zones accessibles. Climatisé : Non Chauffé : Oui Vestiaire : Non
It says this show has no subtitles. Is it still accessible to English speakers?
Speakeasy is a musical show, which communicates through movement and gestures rather than with words. It’s different from what we usually offer (French plays with English subtitles) but is still true to Theatre in Paris’ promise: French entertainment accessible to non-French speakers. People from all over the world, no matter their language, can enjoy Speakeasy.
How do I get to the theatre?
The theatre is accessible by the metro stations République (Lines 3, 5, 8, 9 11) and Goncourt (Line 11). Our hotline can be reached in case of difficulty finding the theatre weekdays from 10 am to 7pm Paris time. For details, we invite you to consult the map above.
What do I do when I get to the theatre?
We invite you to arrive 15 minutes before the beginning of the show, and present your voucher at the front desk. The theatre's English-speaking staff members will guide you to your seats.
Can I purchase a programme?
Tickets for Speakeasy do not include a programme. A programme in French is available for purchase at the theatre.
How long does the show last?
The show lasts one hour and fifteen minutes (75 minutes) with no intermission.
Is it a show for travellers or French people?
Both! With delightful performers and surprising choreography, the production team is eager to cater to both Parisians as well as international, since the show can be understood and enjoyed by anyone.
Is this venue handicap accessible?
Yes, the Théâtre Palais des Glaces is wheelchair accessible. We recommend contacting us directly during the reservation to ensure confortable seating location within the theatre.
Is tipping customary?
Tips are not mandatory in Parisian theatres. However, ushers will usually expect a small tip of between 2€ and 5€, which you can give them when they've shown you to your seat. Fun fact: the French word for “tip” is “pourboire,” which literally translates to “to have a drink.”