- March 20, 2020
- Parisian theatre
- Aysha Ferullo
Theatre venues in and around Paris may be closed for the coming weeks, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t keeping up with all things performance related to help get you through the days of self-isolation. If you’ve not been keeping up with our Facebook and Instagram feeds, here’s a run-down of all that we’ve been keeping you filled in on!

Online shows
Our friends over at the Opéra de Paris announced that they’d be bringing their shows to an online platform for free! If you’re into classical theatre, this is the perfect way to pass the time for you – why not make an evening of it? As of current, they’re playing one of our partner shows Manon (showing until 22nd), with more shows to come within the coming weeks. Get stuck in, they’ve got you covered.
Full Schedule:
Manon: March 17-March 22
Don Giovanni de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: March 23-March 29
Le Lac des Cynges de Rudolf Noureev: March 30-April 5
Le Barbier de Séville de Gioacchino Rossini: April 2 to April 12
Les Contes d’Hoffmann de Jacques Offenbach: April 20-April 26
Carmen de Georges Bizet: April 27-May 3
Click here for more information.

Uplifting posts
Whether or not you got a chance to see the whimsical Frou-Frou The Musical, the wonderful Agnes Pat (who plays Juliette) has informed us via her Instagram that she’s been using this downtime as an opportunity to ‘Netflix and Knit’ (knitting also being a great way to keep your mind occupied during this time). Keep up with her stories and posts, and be sure to keep your eyes peeled for tickets to see Frou-Frou in the weeks to come. We look forward to welcoming you!
In a similar vein, I Want You (Jai Envie de Toi)’s Astrid Roos shared on her Instagram a photo from The Shining, commenting ‘what could go wrong?’ It certainly succeeded in lifting our spirits – thanks, Astrid! We hope you enjoy, give her a follow while you’re at it, and be sure to check back for tickets to I Want You in the future.

Uplifting thoughts
You’re likely to have seen videos circulating of people in Italy singing out of their windows and from their balconies, as well as those in Spain offering a round of applause every evening at 8 pm. We thought this communicated an uplifting message of community and the importance of uniting in order to create something beautiful and represents what we love so much about the theatre. You’re not alone!
We look forward to seeing you back at the theatre soon. As in any pandemic, remember to stay safe and keep your spirits high, we’re still committed to sprinkling a healthy dose of theatre into your days when we can! Click here to see what we have to offer in the coming months.