- May 1, 2020
- Theatre in Paris exclusives
- Aysha Ferullo
The theatre has delivered us the goods for our seventh week in quarantine, and it’s certainly helped the time fly by. This week we’re, once again, happy to share our favourite moments from our week indoors.

Virtual tours
This was another great week for virtual tours – they’re quickly becoming one of our favourite ways to experience the art and culture that France has to offer. This week, Google Arts and Culture brought us a virtual tour of the National Costume Museum in Moulins. Sneak a peek at the intricate designs and fabrics they have to offer, you can even download the app! It’s just a click away.
The Musée Rodin is also offering virtual tours, displaying their works of art from all around the world – you don’t want to miss it!
Lessons and tutorials
We’re always up for learning new things, and this downtime is certainly the perfect opportunity to pick up a new skill. The Opéra de Paris has provided us with singing lessons this week, as a part of their #ladacemiechezsoi movement! Now you can learn the breathtaking duo Papageno et Papagena from Mozart’s The Magic Flute. Check it out here on their YouTube channel.
The Lion King also has a dance tutorial up on their YouTube channel, enabling anyone to immerse themselves in this classic spectacle. Shake away those lockdown blues and have a watch for yourself. If this gets you inspired, why not have a look at booking tickets to see The Lion King in Paris later this year through the Theatre in Paris box office.

If wouldn’t be a weekly roundup if we didn’t include a nod to all of the incredible shows being streamed online. This week, we’re starting with Bizet’s Carmen, streamed by the Opéra de Paris from their Facebook page. Have a watch for yourself.
The 2009 Globe Theatre performance of Romeo and Juliet is also available for streaming on their YouTube channel for free. Be sure to watch this unmissable Shakespearean classic!

In times of strife, it’s vital to remember the importance of gratitude. This week, we were delighted to see the Paris National Opera showing their gratitude to their audiences through orchestral performance and song, a truly uplifting watch.